Selasa, 16 Juni 2015

 Cave queen

    Cave the queen and the daughter of goa there are in the hills chalk on nusakambangan island the middle.Goa she quite interesting as a tourist attraction nature.Not far from the goa queen to the west around 2 km there are goa princess, but goa this while not in tourists visit because the walls of stalakmit is very injurious to visitors.Long goa queen more or less four kilometers and width of 20 meters.Goa the right one are still natural his left because overgrown by the trees apparently add coolness and comfort in itFrom the mouth of the caves into many adorned by stalactites and stalakmit that still original and relatively beautiful.Both goa they have a whose passageway is easily traversed up to 140 meters length and width of 14 to 20 metres about 70 meters there are the ruins of the roof that is indicative of goa scenery against the background of stalactites and stalakmit.

Because of cave queen enough in the earth in the stomach , then the mood in goa very dark for those who will enter into the caves have to use lighting petromak or the flashlight .Goa is also inhabited by an animal as bats and birds walet.dan also many fine things .

There are some of the stories relating to goa queen .Reputedly goa queen is old goa as a palace or kerajan stealth .By because it is the kingdom of stealth , goa is often also wear or as place of meeting of the kings of stealth .

Except the story in goa there are also rock who often to be called or named double mayit.This stone on certain nights as friday night kliwon smelling carrion ( mayit ).In cave queen of these there were also those who are called cave red, called cave is red and swollen stone that surrounds it is red.It is said that in goa that relatip difficult to reach this first in the g 30 s / pki in use as a place of slaughter  there are who calls as the eye of the crocodile nusakambangan.This clearly add haunted cave queen but a brood of cave's that is in nusakambangan.

Plus another legend that the presence of cave this as kingdom centers unseen, and for that it is said there is a ban that is not in writing, that for visitors on nusakambangan special queen in cave so it will not do or will do what is frivolous ( inappropriate ) if it holds.

   For heading to goa this relatively very easy.To those who want to visit through fords lomanis port or harbor wijayakusuma and toward port with crossing sodong ride a boat or ship pengayoman.From port sodong then with the use of private vehicles or chartered towards an object goa tourism queen.

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